Quotes from the books:
Eel - "Below me the water was swarming with eels. The blood from my back, I realized, running down the blade and dripping into the water, had attracted them." - Rogue of Gor (pg 129)
Raiders of Gor, page 114 & Magicians of Gor, page 428
Many varieties (i.e.river, black, spotted), all considered delicacies on Gor.
Crawfish, White These, in turn, become food for various flatworms and numerous tiny-segmented creatures, such as isopods, which, in turn, serve as food for small, blind, white crayfish, felts and salamanders.
page 238 Tribesmen of Gor
Fill a pot with 3 mugs of water and one small tef of white salt and place it over high heat and bring it to a boil. When boiling add 3 mugs of rence rice to the rolling water and move the pan to lower heat to simmer and cook.
Clean the eels well, cut them in pieces two inches long, wash and wipe them dry. In a small bowl mix together 1 full head of garlic and 1 small onion minced very fine, 3 tefs of ground golden Sa-tarna flour, 1 spoon of red salt, 2 spoons of crushed black pepper, and a spoonful of fresh thyme. In another bowl pour 2 mugs of fresh bosk milk. Dip the eel slice in first in the bosk milk and then in the sa-tarna flour. In a shallow skillet heat slowly 2 mugs of palm oil. When hot carefully place the slices of breaded eel into the oil (oil is hot and may spit, so be careful. Watch the slices carefully, and turn when the bubbles in the oil slow to a simmer. Take a clean plate and lay a sheet of rence cloth on it. When the eel is browned all over and thoroughly done, remove the slices from the oil and place them on the cloth to drain and cool slightly.
While the eel and cools, place 2 pots of water over the high heat and bring to a boil. To the first add 2 tefs of fresh pea pods to the hot water and cook for 3 ehn until the color of the pods turns a bright, vibrant green. Remove them from the hot water and place them in a bowl of cold water to stop them from cooking further. In the second place the steaming basket and add the crawfish. Steam until the gray of the flesh turns a brilliant white. remove them from the basket and place them in a medium sized bowl. Add a spoonful of bosk butter, a dash of tahari spices, a dash of red salt, and a dash of crushed pepper, and toss well until all the butter is melted.
Take a clean plate and add 3 or 4 crispy slices of eel, 2 plump crawfish, and a large spoonful each of crispy peas and steamy rice. Add to the plate a thick slice of black bread, some bosk butter, and garnish with a sprig of fragrant thyme.
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